• <p>Slow Trail Römerschlucht am Wörthersee</p>
    Aktiv entspannen. Die vier Slow Trails am Wörthersee
  • Grenzgang im Süden Panoramaweg Südalpen

Vom Bärental auf den Kosiak (Klagenfurter Hütte)

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    © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.en


From the parking lot, hike via Johannsenruhe along the marked hut trail to the Klagenfurter Hütte. From here, follow the marked trail in a westerly direction. First you cross the mighty summit slope of the Kosiak above the Matschacher Alm relatively flat, then you ascend in a fairly straight and steep line in numerous hairpin bends over the southwest ridge to the summit.
The descent is via the east ridge (quite steep in parts) until you meet the "Stinzesteig" (ascent from Bodental to Klagenfurter Hütte). Head west through the sparse larch forest, almost level, in a few minutes to the Klagenfurter Hütte.


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complete hiking equipment


Be sure to stop by the innkeeper Roland at the Klagenfurter Hütte, where you can also get an excellent pork roast.


freytag & berndt, WK 234

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  • Magdalensberg
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  • __NO_NAME__
  • the Meerauge, a special feature of the Bodental - behind it the Vertatscha
  • on the way to the Klagenfurter Hütte: a view from Alt St. Michael to the east into the Obere Bärental and to Kosiak (left), Hochstuhl and Weinasch
  • View from the western village centre of Zell-Pfarre to the Koschuta massif (Koschutnikturm (left), the Breitwand, the Lärchenberg/tower and the Windhöhe) - north view

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