Slow down after the high life on the Slow Trails Wörthersee #metime

Dive in. Only this time not in the turquoise waters of Lake Wörthersee. But into a picturesque, lovely natural landscape. Hiking in the light of the south is a slow down after the high life.

Here, on paths that inspire - namely on the Slow Trails Trails Wörthersee - you can relax perfectly and sink into the rhythm of walking. The easy, soothing hikes are the perfect add-on to any #metime trip. You can unwind with a delicious aperitivo or sundowner dinner in the golden evening light surrounded by mystical water. Only Lake Wörthersee can hike so stylishly!

The five Slow Trails (Slow Trail Brahmsweg, Slow Trail Römerschlucht, Slow Trail Yogaweg, Slow Trail Schaukelweg and Slow Trail Meerauge) offer the perfect opportunity for relaxation, slowing down and meditative walking. The Wörthersee circular hiking trail is a sun-drenched hiking landscape of rolling hills, green forests and wide forest paths. The full total distance of 55 km and 1400 meters in altitude can also be divided into smaller individual sections and manageable stages. Take the boat to the starting point, hike a bit and continue by boat. With the Wörthersee Plus Card, boat trips are free of charge throughout October.

<p>Slow Trail Römerschlucht - Forstsee</p>
<p>Slow Trail Römerschlucht am Forstsee entlang.</p>
<p>Aussichtspunkt Hohes Kreuz am Slow Trail Römerschlucht mit Blick auf Velden am Wörthersee.</p>
<p>Der Brahms Weg in Pörtschach ist eine gemütliche Kultur Wanderung. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Geschichte und das Wirken des weltbekannten Komponisten und sein Bezug zum Wörthersee.</p>
<p>Slow Trail Römerschlucht - Rast am Forstsee</p>
<p>Geist und Seele baumeln lassen, in Hängematten schwingen, die Leichtigkeit fühlen und den Wörthersee spüren.</p>
© Region Wörthersee-Rosental Tourismus GmbH
<p>Yogaweg in Velden. Ein Spaziergang der achtsamen Art.</p>
<p>Geist und Seele baumeln lassen, in Hängematten schwingen, die Leichtigkeit fühlen und den Wörthersee spüren.</p>

The Slow Trails on Lake Wörthersee Choose your favorite theme

- Find your flow on the Slow Trail yoga trail

- Indulge in childhood memories on the Slow Trail Schaukelweg

- Enjoy the silence of the moment on the Slow Trail Römerschlucht

- Be inspired by classical vibes on the Brahmsweg Slow Trail

- Gaze into sheer endless clarity on the Meerauge Slow Trail in the Bodental valley


Special tip: a refreshing dip in the tingling waters of Lake Wörthersee or on soft moss cushions during barefoot forest bathing is always included

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Slow Trail - Brahmsweg

Difficulty: easy

Length: 6.2 km

Duration: 120 min

Slow Trail Römerschlucht

Difficulty: medium

Length: 6.9 km

Duration: 120 min

Slow Trail - Schaukelweg (St. Margarethen Runde)

Difficulty: easy

Length: 6.1 km

Duration: 120 min

Slow Trail - Yogaweg (Start Tourismusinformation Velden)

Difficulty: easy

Length: 3 km

Duration: 90 min

Slow Trail Meerauge

Difficulty: easy

Length: 5.3 km

Duration: 90 min

What is a Slow Trail?

It's the deceleration that makes it.

There are 14 Slow Trails in Carinthia, all of which have something in common. At no Slow Trail are more than 300 meters in altitude and 10km to master. The focus is on meditative hiking and active regeneration. At each of the Slow Trails you will find viewing points with lake views. In addition, each Slow Trail tells its own story and is peppered with a wide variety of themes. The design of the resting places, signs and explanations is also uniform.

All Slow Trails in Carinthia

Audible from the Slow Trails The time.Los podcast to visit the Slow Trail

What is time.LOS?

Let's talk about time. The podcast to accompany the Slow Trails of the Wörthersee Rosental region at the Schaukelweg Reifnitz and Brahmsweg. Hosted by Stefan Jäger.

You can also find the podcast on all popular podcast platforms or directly here:


Episode 1 - The swing path

Episode 2 - The Brahmsweg

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