Accompanied by the Southern Alps Trail 03, the Southern Alps Panorama Trail and the Carinthian Border Trail, we hike to the Matschacher Sattel, the highest point of the stage. We descend via the Stinzesteig to the Ogrisalm and hike downhill via the Ogrisbauer to the Bodenbauer. We visit the Meerauge and meet the Sereinig family farm to the east. Along the Bodenbach stream we reach the western part of the Tscheppaschlucht gorge with the Tschaukofall. We leave the gorge via the Dr. Tschauko nature trail and reach the"Deutscher Peter" inn in Loibltal on the B 91. Over the Eselsattel we hike down the valley through Zell-Mitterwinkel and turn south into the Hainschgraben at the village of Male. Passing the waterfall and the Gornik mill, we reach the Malealm and the Pischenzasattel - on the Karsteig trail along steep mountain slopes we reach the Koschutahaus.
[3 altern., 8 p.; at ETAPPENTEILUNG: Klagenfurter Hütte-Deutscher Peter, 44 % and on to the Koschutahaus, 56 %]
Ascent: 1550 m
Descent: 1930 m
Minimum Altitude: 664 m
Maximum Altitude: 1714 m
Length: 30.9 km
Duration: 630 min
Difficulty: hard
Stage tour or
Klagenfurter Hütte, 1664 m, accessible by bus ( from Villach or Klagenfurt to Feistritz im Rosental, then on trail no. 663; 4.30 hrs. (Counter-clockwise: by bus from Klagenfurt to Ferlach and then onward on trails no. 653, 20, 662; 7.30 hrs.)
Stage tour or
Klagenfurter Hütte, 1664 m, accessible by bus ( from Villach or Klagenfurt to Feistritz im Rosental, then on trail no. 663; 4.30 hrs. (Counter-clockwise: by bus from Klagenfurt to Ferlach and then onward on trails no. 653, 20, 662; 7.30 hrs.)
Stage tour or PP Stouhütte
Valley towns: Feistritz im Rosental, 465 m, and Ferlach, 466 m, bus ( from Klagenfurt or Villach.
Starting point: Klagenfurter Hütte, 1664 m, accessible by bus ( from Villach or Klagenfurt to Feistritz im Rosental, then by trail no. 663; 4.30 hours (counter-clockwise: by bus from Klagenfurt to Ferlach and then continue by trails no. 653, 20, 662; 7.30 hours).
Connection 2b/Access Klagenfurter Hütte: From the Sparkassenplatz bus stop in Ferlach, 500 m, to the Tscheppaschlucht gorge. From there (from the "Tschaukofinger") on the Kugyweg to the Klagenfurter Hütte (if you hike counter-clockwise). Medium-difficulty mountain hike: 7.30 hours, 18.1 km, 1,390 m ascent and 190 m descent.
Connection 2a/Access Koschutahaus: From the Sparkassenplatz bus stop in Ferlach, 500 m, to the Tscheppaschlucht gorge (turn-off Deutscher Peter, trail no. 653). From "Deutscher Peter" continue on the Kugyweg to the Koschutahaus. Strenuous mountain hike: 9.30 hours, 24 km, 1,900 m ascent and 1,080 m descent.
Alternative 1: At the Ogrisbauer farm, continue straight ahead on the Südalpenweg 03 to the Sereinig family farm (saving: 1.5 km, 30 min.).
Alternative 2: Approx. 400 m east of the Sereinig family farm, follow the Südalpenweg 03 to the right (south-east) and hike downhill via the Pagitz estate to the "Deutscher Peter" guesthouse (saving: 40 min., 2.2 km and 80 m ascent and 110 m descent).
Alternative 3: In the village of Male (at the entrance to the Hainschgraben), follow the Kärntner Grenzweg and the Panoramaweg Südalpen to the top left (east) (saving: 20 minutes, 1.5 km and 20 m ascent).
Note: If you want to skip the 2nd part of stage 2: Leave the long-distance hiking trail/Kugyweg at "Tschaukofinger" and hike through the Tscheppaschlucht gorge to Ferlach. Take the ÖBB bus ( or the cab company Stefaner, tel. +43 4228 200,, to Zell-Sele and from there take the access path to the Koschutahaus (saving between Tscheppaschlucht and Koschutahaus: approx. 4.00 hours, 10 km and 1,100 m ascent and 400 m descent).
Summit destinations/possibilities: Kosiak, 360 m, 1.20 hours, blue; Bielschitza, 305 m, 1.30 hours, red. Lärchenberg, 730 m, 2.10 hours, black.
Water: 3 tapped springs, 3 fountains and 5 streams.
Klagenfurter Hütte-Matschacher Sattel-Stinzesteig/662-Ogris Alm/Südalpenweg 603/KGW/Panoramaweg Südalpen-Gh. Bodenbauer/20-Meerauge-Gh. Sereinig-Tscheppaschlucht (western part with Tschaukofall)/662/20/Panoramaweg Südalpen-Dr. Tschauko Naturlehrpfad/Panoramaweg Südalpen-Deutscher Peter/B 91-Eselsattel-Winkel-Male/639/KGW/Panoramaweg Südalpen-Hainschgraben/Wasserfall-Gornikmühle/650-Abzweigung/649-Malealm-Pischenzasattel-nördl. Koschuta (Windhöhe/Hohe Spitze/Lärchenturm)-Koschutahaus/Südalpenweg 603/KGW/Panoramaweg Südalpen/647
1. from the hut we hike in an E/NE direction south-east of the Gaisberg/Kosiak to the Matschacher Sattel, accompanied by the Südalpenweg 03 (SAW), Kärntner Grenzweg (KGW), Panoramaweg Südalpen (PSA) and trail no. 662 - we pass through a nature reserve. In a left turn, we head down towards the Stinzesteig, which is partly secured by ropes - approx. 200 m before the Ogris Alm, path no. 662 comes from the right below - we go straight on to the unmanned Ogris Almhütte and take the 1st break, 2.3 km, 1564 m.
2. hike east past the Kosmatitza and after approx. 2.3 km reach the Ogrisbauer clearing - here we leave trail no. 603 or the KGW and take trail no. 20 (old: 10) and the "Märchenhafte Augenblicke" (Fairytale Moments) loop in a southerly direction down into the Bodental valley past the Rijautzablick to the Singerbergblick rest area.
ALTERNATIVE 1: At the Ogrisbauer farm, do not follow trail no. 20 (old: 10) at an acute angle, but stay on the main farm road (HWW) or Südalpenweg 03 and walk to the Sereinig family farm (saving 1.5 km and 30 min walking time).
3. after a left turn, we walk past the Bodenbauer estate to the east and after approx. 200 m take path no. 662 and 20 at an information stand to the left to the "Meerauge" - back again, we turn left, NE. After approx. 1.1 km, we leave the main farm track (HWW) at a crossroads and walk straight ahead along a nature trail to the Sereinig family farm visible from afar and to a chapel (2nd break, 8 km, 1010 m).
4. we walk briefly in a northerly direction to the Bodenbach stream and an old mill - here we meet the long-distance hiking trails again (WWW). Then we turn east, always parallel to the stream - after approx. 400 m we leave the path no. 03 on the right (shortcut into the Loibltal valley to Deutscher Peter) and after approx. 800 m we cross a HWW.
ALTERNATIVE 2: Approx. 300 m east of the Sereinig family farm, leave the Bodenbach at a right angle to the south to arrive just south of the B 91 via the Pagitz estate at Gh. Deutscher Peter (saving 2 km and 40 min walking time).
5. we stay on the Panoramaweg Südalpen and no. 20, pass the "Puffersäge" rest area (information board at the start of the Tscheppaschlucht gorge) and reach the Tschaukofall. Near the Teufelsbrücke bridge we turn right, SW, at an information board - along the Dr. Tschauko nature trail we meet the B 91 main road. We turn right again, SW, and immediately turn right down to the Loiblbach stream - after approx. 300 we go up again and reach the Gh. Deutscher Peter (3rd, big break, 12.3 km, 711 m) (see NOTE).
6. we continue south along the Loiblstraße B 91 and meet the Südalpenweg 03 coming from the right (shortcut) - after another 100 m we follow the Panoramaweg Südalpen, the Südalpenweg 03 and path no. 639 to the left, After approx. 1.3 km we come to a HWW - here we separate from the Südalpenweg 03 and hike to the right, S, to the Eselsattel and to a wayside shrine (south of the Zeller Grintoutz) (4th break, 14.8 km, 1170 m).
7. a HWW leads us south of the foothills of the Ferlacher Horn in an easterly direction to Winkel to the Franzbauer estate - immediately afterwards we hike further down on a HWW in an easterly direction. Just before the Zellwinkler LStr. we leave the HWW, head SE, cross the Zell-Oberwinkler-Str. and walk towards the Tomk estate. After approx. 900 m we cross an access road and after approx. 400 m we meet the Zellwinkler-LStr. - after approx. 900 m we reach the village of Male with the abandoned elementary school on the asphalt path (5th break, 20 km, 680 m).
ALTERNATIVE 3: At the village of Male (at the entrance to the Hainschgraben), follow the Kärntner Grenzweg and the Panoramaweg to the top left (saving 1.5 km and 50 min walking time).
8. after approx. 150 m we leave the Zellwinkler-LStr and the Ribnitza stream to the right, S, into the Hainschgraben with path no. 650 - after approx. 30 m the two WWW leave us to the left at the top. We walk to the "Wasser-Erlebnisweg Hainschgraben" and leave the HWW after approx. 400 m half-left to the south - we cross the Hainschbach 3 times, admire the waterfall and reach the Gornik mill after approx. 2 km (6th break, 23 km, 900 m).
9. from the Schaumühle, leaving path no. 650, we walk at an acute angle in a N direction along a HWW with path no. 649 up to a cross-path - here we meet the two WWWs and path no. 647 again. We head to the right, SE and leave the HWW straight ahead and hike up to the Malealm hut on a natural path (7th break, 25.7 km, 1220 m).
10. we head SE, cross a HWW and leave the alp after approx. 300 m - we hike in hairpin bends north of the Skarbina up to the Pischenzasattel (1392 m). At the crossroads we turn right, SE - the trail markings lead us (partly in the cirque) close to the northern foothills of the Pungrat, the Windhöhe, Hohe Spitze and the Lärchenriegel (8th break, 27.8 km, 1,460 m).
11. after a left turn, we meet the hiking trail coming from the left (from the "bösen Graben") with trail no. 646 and the Südalpenweg 603 - we turn down to the right with the three WWW and trail no. 647. Just before the Naturfreundehaus, we leave the three WWWs by going straight ahead to the information boards - immediately afterwards we reach the stage destination: the Koschutahaus (29.5 km, 1280 m).
1. from the hut we hike in direction E/NE southeast of the Gaisberg/Kosiak to the Matschacher Sattel, accompanied by the Südalpenweg 03 (SAW), Kärntner Grenzweg (KGW), Panoramaweg Südalpen (PSA) and path no. 662 - us walk through a nature reserve. In a left turn we head down towards the Stinzesteig, which is partly secured with ropes - about 200 m before the Ogris Alm comes from the right. Below is path no. 662 - we go straight ahead to the unmanaged Ogris Alpine hut and take the first break, 2.3 km, 1564 m.
2. we hike east past the Kosmatitza and after approx. 2.3 km we reach the Ogrisbauer clearing - here we leave path no. 603 or the KGW and walk at an acute angle with path no. 20 (old: 10) and the "Fairytale Moments" circuit in Ri. S into the Bodental past Rijautzablick down to the Singerbergblick rest area.
ALTERNATIVE 1: Not the path number at Ogrisbauer. 20 (old: 10) at an acute angle, but stay on the main farm route (HWW) or Südalpenweg 03 and walk to the Sereinig family farm (savings: 1.5 km and 30 minutes walking time).
3. after turning left, we walk east of the Bodenbauer property and after about 200 m we take path no. 662 and 20 to the left at an information stand. to the "Meerauge" - back again, we turn to the left, NE. After about 1.1 km we leave the main farm road (HWW) at an intersection and walk straight ahead along a natural path to the Sereinig family farm, which can be seen from afar, and to a chapel (2nd break, 8 km, 1010 m).
4th We walk briefly in direction N to the Bodenbach and an old mill - here we meet the long-distance hiking trails (WWW) again. Then we turn to the east, always parallel to the stream - after about 400 m we leave the right. outgoing route number. 03 (shortcut into the Loibltal to Deutscher Peter) and after about 800 m we cross a HWW.
ALTERNATIVE 2: Approximately 300 m east of the Sereinig family farm, leave the Bodenbach at a right angle to the south in order to arrive at Gh. Deutscher Peter via the Pagitz estate just south of the B 91 (savings: 2 km and 40 min walking time).
5. we stay on the Southern Alps Panorama Trail and number 20, go past the "Puffersäge" rest area (information board about the beginning of the Tscheppa Gorge) and reach the Tschauko Falls. Near the Devil's Bridge we turn right, SW - along the Dr. nature trail at an information board. Tschauko we meet the federal highway B 91. We go right again, SW, and immediately right. down to the Loiblbach - after about 300 m we go up again and reach the Gh. Deutscher Peter (3rd, big break, 12.3 km, 711 m) (see NOTE).
6. we continue walking S along Loiblstrasse B 91 and meet the one from the right. coming Südalpenweg 03 (shortcut) - after another 100 m we follow the Panoramaweg Südalpen, the Südalpenweg 03 and path no. 639 to the left, east. After approx. 1.3 km we come to a HWW - here we separate from the Südalpenweg 03 and hike to the right, S, to the Eselsattel and to a wayside shrine (south of the Zeller Grintoutz) (4th break, 14.8 km, 1170 m).
7. a HWW takes us south of the foothills of the Ferlacher Horn in Ri. E to Winkel to the Franzbauer estate - immediately afterwards we hike further down on a HWW in Ri. SE. Just before Zellwinkler LStr. we leave the HWW, go SE, cross Zell-Oberwinkler-Str. and walk towards the Tomk estate. After about 900 m we cross an access road and after about 400 m we come to Zellwinkler-LStr. - after about 900 m we reach the town of Male with the abandoned elementary school on the asphalt path (5th break, 20 km, 680 m).
ALTERNATIVE 3: At the village of Male (at the entrance to Hainschgraben) take the Carinthian border path and the panorama path to the left. Follow above (saving: 1.5 km and 50 min walking time).
8. after approx. 150 m we leave the Zellwinkler-LStr and the Ribnitza-Bach to the right, S, into the Hainschgraben with path no. 650 - after approx. 30 m the two WWW leave us to the left. above. We hike to the "Hainschgraben water adventure trail" and leave the HWW after approx. 400 m, turning half left in Ri. S - we cross the Hainschbach 3 times, admire the waterfall and after approx. 2 km we reach the Gornik mill (6th break, 23 km, 900 m).
9. from the Schaumühle, leaving path no. 650, we walk at an acute angle in Ri. N along a HWW with path no. 649 up to a cross path - here we meet the two WWWs and path no. 647 again. We go to the right, SE and leave the HWW going straight ahead and hiking on a natural path up to the Malealm hut (7th break, 25.7 km, 1220 m).
10. we go to the SE, cross a HWW and leave the alpine pasture after about 300 m - we hike in bends north of the Skarbina up to the Pischenzasattel (1392 m). At the hiking junction we go to the right, SE - the path markings lead us (partly in the cirque) close to the northern foothills of the Pungrat, the Windhöhe, Hohe Spitze and the Lärchenriegel (8th break, 27.8 km, 1,460 m ).
11. after an arc to the left we meet the one from the left. coming hiking trail (from the "evil ditch") with path no. 646 and the Südalpenweg 603 - we turn to the right with the three WWW and path no. 647. below. Just before the Naturfreundehaus we leave the three WWWs by going straight ahead to the information boards - immediately afterwards we reach the destination: the Koschutahaus (29.5 km, 1280 m).
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To Schaumühle Gornik: Medium-difficulty hike with occasional rope protection (surefootedness) and notched steps on the Stinzesteig. Due to heavy storms, the Hainschgraben is currently closed - please take alternative 3: In the village of Male (at the entrance to the Hainschgraben), follow the Kärntner Grenzweg and the Panoramaweg Südalpen to the top left (east) (saving: 20 minutes, 1.5 km and 20 m ascent). Furthermore: challenging mountain hike with occasional rope protection on trail no. 647 at the Lärchenriegel (surefootedness required). Steep path and trail sections and possibly snow until early summer. Marking of several hiking trails and the Kugyweg logo.
sturdy shoes, best: mountain boots + possibly. Climbing gloves and all-weather clothing + food + drink
Tschaukofall nature trail in the Tscheppaschlucht gorge.
Gornik foam mill in the Hainschgraben.
Hiking maps Ferlach and Zell Pfarre 1 : 35,000
freytag & berndt: WK 233: Wörthersee-Ossiacher See-Faaker See-Karawanken 1 : 50 000
Kompass WK 65, 218/1 and leisure map Ferlach
Planinska Karta Karavanke - osrednji del
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