• <p>Slow Trail Römerschlucht am Wörthersee</p>
    Aktiv entspannen. Die vier Slow Trails am Wörthersee

Krumpendorfer Weitwanderweg

  • Krumpendorf am Wörthersee


From Parkbad Krumpendorf in the direction of Pörtschach to Leinsdorfer Straße, turn right along Leinsdorfer Straße to the Longoweg junction and then into the forest (hiking trail B). After the beautiful forest path, the highway is crossed underneath and you go to the "Aussicht West", past the Pirkhof and on to the Pirkerkogel (666m).

From the Pirkerkogel it goes along the Wörthersee circular hiking trail (blue-white-blue markings) downhill in the direction of Pirk - St. Ulrich parish church - on to the Wirtnigteich pond. Then in the direction of Drasing until you reach Kollebauer. Immediately after that turn left, follow the road for a while. Then turn right into the forest (red - white - red marking on the trees) to Nußberg (wooden cross). From there continue south to Görtschach (Gasthof Pisl), continue along the Görtschacher Straße and then turn right directly into the forest. The path joins the Drasinger Straße, continue towards Gasthof Jerolitsch and then back to the main road.

Continue over the railroad crossing, past Bad Kropfitsch and back along the bike path and sidewalk to Schlossallee / Gemeindeamt. The path is marked red - white - red throughout.


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Additional information



Hiking boots. Otherwise no special equipment required.


Regional map of Lake Wörthersee, Kompass map of Lake Wörthersee-Klagenfurt, Freytag & Berndt hiking and leisure map of Lake Wörthersee

Maybe interesting

  • the Meerauge, a special feature of the Bodental - behind it the Vertatscha
  • on the way to the Klagenfurter Hütte: a view from Alt St. Michael to the east into the Obere Bärental and to Kosiak (left), Hochstuhl and Weinasch
  • View from the western village centre of Zell-Pfarre to the Koschuta massif (Koschutnikturm (left), the Breitwand, the Lärchenberg/tower and the Windhöhe) - north view
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Region Wörthersee-Rosental Tourismus GmbH
Villacher Straße 19
9220 Velden
Tel.: +43 4274 38288
Fax: +43 4274 38288 19

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