• <p>Slow Trail Römerschlucht am Wörthersee</p>
    Aktiv entspannen. Die vier Slow Trails am Wörthersee
  • Grenzgang im Süden Panoramaweg Südalpen

Wandertour Bodental/Klagenfurter Hütte

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    © (c) Sissi Wutte / Carnica-Region Rosental


From the parking lot at Gasthof Bodenbauer in the direction of Märchenwiese, soon turn right and past meadows and through the forest up to the last houses (Ogrisbauer). Turn left at the forest road and follow it. Climb up an often wet ditch. From the small ridge you have a beautiful view of the Geißberg (Kosiak) and into the Strugarjachgraben. We turn south into the high forest, where the trail slopes somewhat. Soon we reach the Ogrisalm with the newly built hut. About 200m after the hut there is a spring. From here you can follow the further course of the path through the mountain pines. Just below the rocks, the path then leads over a small ridge into the Stinze. The path is secured in exposed places. Once you have overcome these places, you can already see the Matschacher Sattel. From here we descend a few meters and in about 15 minutes we are in front of the newly adapted Klagenfurter Hütte. The already known path leads us back over the Matschacher Sattel and the partly secured Stinzesteig. Shortly before the Ogrisalm, the path branches off to the right (622) and leads across the Märchenwiese, to the Bodenbauer.

Alternative descent: From the Klagenfurter Hütte follow the 603 in a westerly direction, via the Matschacheralm, the Johannsenruhe down into the Bärental to the Stouhütte. Here, however, you would have to organize a ride.


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Safety instructions

Sure-footedness and a head for heights required!


Complete mountain and hiking equipment, telephone, camera


Before heading home: a detour to the Meerauge

Maybe interesting

  • the Meerauge, a special feature of the Bodental - behind it the Vertatscha
  • on the way to the Klagenfurter Hütte: a view from Alt St. Michael to the east into the Obere Bärental and to Kosiak (left), Hochstuhl and Weinasch
  • View from the western village centre of Zell-Pfarre to the Koschuta massif (Koschutnikturm (left), the Breitwand, the Lärchenberg/tower and the Windhöhe) - north view
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