• Veldener Advent
  • © Petra Nestelbacher
  • © Petra Nestelbacher
  • © Petra Nestelbacher
  • © Petra Nestelbacher

✨Velden Advent 2024 ✨

22.11. to 23.12.2024

The Engerl countdown is running. There's still time until the opening:

We look forward to seeing you at the Velden Advent 2024

The Advent market is open for you from November 22 to December 23, 2024 on the following days

  • Friday: 3 p.m. to 8 p.m,
  • Saturday, Sunday & December 8: 11.00 am to 8.00 pm
Velden Advent on Facebook

The Velden Advent A romantic Christmas tale

The Christmas season has a special magic...and here in Velden this magic is brought to life.

The Velden Engerl team will once again endeavor to create an atmospheric and tranquil atmosphere this year. Velden was, is and will remain the town of angels on Lake Wörthersee that makes children's eyes light up.

The beach park in front of the Schlosshotel and the lake provide the incomparable backdrop for one of the most atmospheric Advent markets in Austria, which enchants its many visitors every year.

It is a mix of Christmas delicacies, lovingly made arts and crafts, warming fire bowls in cozy places with lovely decorations, musical performances and warm hospitality that creates an incomparable feel-good atmosphere for all visitors to the Advent market.

Taking time out, pausing and experiencing the true meaning of the Christmas season - that's what the Velden Advent is all about.

The highlights at Velden Advent Events


  • Silvio Samoni
  • Hof-Advent

The Advent attractions in the West Bay Lots to discover

Every year during Advent, a very special magic lies over the famous Wörthersee metropolis. The entire town is transformed into a romantic city of angels and is the backdrop for one of the most beautiful Advent markets in Austria. An exquisite potpourri of fine arts and crafts, culinary delights and the harmonious sounds of Christmas come together to form an unmistakable symphony. The floating Advent wreath, the widely visible symbol of Advent in Velden, conjures up light and warmth in the hearts of the countless Advent visitors from near and far.

With the redesigned Children's Advent in the Kurpark and a unique new lighting concept, Velden Advent will not only bring a sparkle to children's eyes this year. Cozy places with cozy fireplaces invite you to linger.

The Velden Advent - a pre-Christmas treat for all the senses!

23.12.2024 - 20.12.2024
Fellnasen Advent
Velden Schifffahrt
Bummelzug in der Engelstadt
Christbaumausstellung @Velden Tourismus
Barock Krippe
Adventkranz @Veldener Tourismusgesellschaft

Children's Advent Out and about in Velden with angel student Fabian.

With the redesigned Children's Advent in the Kurpark and a unique new lighting concept, this year's Velden Advent will not only bring a sparkle to children's eyes. Cozy places with cozy fireplaces invite you to linger.

Wunschbaum in der Engelstadt
Lichterpark in der Engelstadt
Kissing Tree in der Engelstadt
Baumkuchenzug in der Engelstadt
Bibliothek LESElust & mehr
Fellnasen Advent
Velden Schifffahrt
Velden Schifffahrt
Sternen-Rätsel Rallye
Ponyreiten in der Engelstadt
Bummelzug in der Engelstadt
Christbaumausstellung @Velden Tourismus
Barock Krippe
Schwimmende Krippe @Veldener Tourismusgesellschaft
Adventkranz @Veldener Tourismusgesellschaft
Veldener Advent

MS Saint Lucia Engerlschifffahrt in the Velden Bay

Discover Advent in a relaxed way.

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